Costco Rotisserie Chicken Nutrition: Is It Really Healthy?

Costco Rotisserie Chicken Nutrition:

Costco Rotisserie Chicken

Rotisserie Chicken is an ideal choice for families seeking a convenient and effortless meal solution. Costco's rotisserie chicken has become particularly popular due to its convenience and affordability. However, with concerns about additives and the nutritional value of the chicken, many people are wondering whether Costco rotisserie chicken is a healthy choice. The focal point of this composition is to furnish a comprehensive exposition on the nutrient facts regarding Costco's rotisserie chicken, along with useful recommendations for enhancing its health value.

By understanding the nutritional value of Costco Rotisserie Chicken, families can make informed decisions about their meal choices. With a few simple modifications, this popular option can be a healthy and convenient meal option for busy individuals and families alike. So, let's dive in and take a closer look at the nutrition information of Costco rotisserie chicken!

Table of Contents

1. What is Costco rotisserie chicken?
2. Nutrition facts of Costco rotisserie chicken
3. Is Costco rotisserie chicken healthy?
4. What are the health benefits of Costco rotisserie chicken?
    High in protein
    Low in carbs
    Low in fat
5. What are the potential health risks of Costco rotisserie chicken?
    High sodium content
6. How to make Costco rotisserie chicken healthier
    Remove skin
    Pair with healthy sides
    Use in moderation
7. Conclusion
8. FAQs

What is Costco rotisserie chicken?

What is Costco rotisserie chicken?

Costco Rotisserie Chicken is a popular choice among many families due to its convenience and affordability. The rotisserie chicken offered by Costco is a fully prepared specimen that has undergone the process of seasoning with a combination of herbs and spices, thereafter roasting it using a rotisserie oven. It's readily available in all Costco stores and sold at a more affordable price compared to other retailers.

The rotisserie chicken is typically found in the deli area of the Costco store and is kept warm until it is purchased. It's essential to understand that the Costco rotisserie chicken is not organic, and it may have additives like flavor enhancers. While these additives can enhance the chicken's taste, they can be harmful to people with sensitivities or allergies.

Nutrition facts of Costco rotisserie chicken

Nutrition facts of Costco rotisserie chicken

Now that we have an understanding of what Costco rotisserie chicken is, let's delve into its nutritional information. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), a serving of Costco rotisserie chicken is approximately 3 ounces or about 84 grams.

Here are the nutrition facts for one serving of Costco rotisserie chicken without the skin:



One serving of Costco Rotisserie Chicken (3 oz or about 85g) contains approximately 140 calories.



A serving of Costco rotisserie chicken contains 7g of fat, with 2g of that being saturated fat.



A serving of Costco rotisserie chicken contains 19g of protein, making it a good source of this important nutrient.



Costco rotisserie chicken contains minimal amounts of carbohydrates, with only 1g per serving.



One serving of Costco rotisserie chicken contains 460mg of sodium, which is 20% of the recommended daily intake.

It's worth noting that the nutrition facts mentioned are for the chicken alone, without the skin. The skin of the chicken is rich in calories and fat, and including it can substantially increase the total calorie and fat count of the chicken. Therefore, it is recommended to remove the skin before consuming the chicken.

Is Costco rotisserie chicken healthy?

Costco Rotisserie Chicken is a popular choice for many families due to its affordable price and convenience. Rotisserie chicken, while being a commendable source of protein with a low carbohydrate count, has the potential to harbor considerable quantities of sodium and saturated fat if consumed along with the integumentary system. Moreover, the use of additives in the seasoning and cooking process could be worrisome for certain individuals.

To make Costco rotisserie chicken a healthier option, you can remove the skin and pair it with healthy sides such as roasted vegetables or a salad. You can also consider seasoning the chicken yourself with herbs and spices to avoid the potential additives. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide whether Costco rotisserie chicken fits into your overall dietary needs and goals.

What are the health benefits of Costco rotisserie chicken?

Costco Rotisserie Chicken offers a range of health benefits, making it a popular choice for many consumers.

High in protein

Costco Rotisserie Chicken has a high protein content, which is one of its main health benefits. Protein is crucial for repairing and building tissues, as well as preserving muscle mass.

Low in carbs

Costco rotisserie chicken is a great choice for individuals who follow a low-carb diet because it has low amounts of carbohydrates.

Low in fat

Although Costco Rotisserie Chicken does have some fat, it's still regarded as a lean protein source and a healthier alternative to other kinds of meat.

Overall, Costco rotisserie chicken can be a healthy choice for individuals seeking a convenient and affordable source of protein. The low carbohydrate content coupled with the commendable protein quantity found in this avian meat is advantageous in retaining muscle mass and mending tissues. Nevertheless, the epidermal layer of this fowl bears a marked calorie and fat quantity, hence its consumption must be moderated, or alternatively, the skin should be detached to curtail the overall caloric and fatty acid intake. Additionally, individuals with sensitivities or allergies to additives should be cautious as the seasoning and cooking process may contain flavor enhancers that can be harmful. It's best to balance your dietary needs and goals and incorporate a variety of protein sources into your diet to ensure optimal nutrition.

What are the potential health risks of Costco rotisserie chicken?

High sodium content
Consuming too much Costco Rotisserie Chicken can be a potential health risk due to its high sodium content. A solitary serving of this fowl encompasses 460mg of sodium, corresponding to a fifth of the suggested daily allowance. Consuming an excess of sodium through one's diet can potentially cause a plethora of health complications, among them elevated blood pressure, cardiac maladies, and strokes.



Another potential health risk of Costco Rotisserie Chicken is the use of additives such as MSG and other flavor enhancers. Although these additives can enhance the flavor of the chicken, they can potentially cause harm to individuals who have sensitivities or allergies.

How to make Costco rotisserie chicken healthier

Although Costco rotisserie chicken is a nutritious choice, there are ways to enhance its health benefits.

Remove skin

Remove skin

Removing the skin from the chicken can significantly reduce the fat content and also lower the sodium content.

Pair with healthy sides

healthy sides

Pairing the chicken with healthy sides such as roasted vegetables or a salad can add more nutrients to your meal and make it more well-rounded.

Use in moderation


While Costco Rotisserie Chicken can be a convenient and healthy option, it should still be consumed in moderation. Too much of any one food can lead to an unbalanced diet and potential health risks.


In conclusion, Costco Rotisserie Chicken can be a convenient and affordable meal option for many families. Costco rotisserie chicken can be a healthy option as it is a good source of protein and low in carbohydrates. However, consuming it with the skin can lead to high sodium and saturated fat intake, which can be harmful to your health. To make it even healthier, you can remove the skin before eating. It is also important to consider your overall dietary needs and goals when incorporating Costco rotisserie chicken into your diet.

If you do choose to enjoy Costco rotisserie chicken, consider removing the skin and pairing it with healthy sides to make it a more nutritious meal. Consuming Costco rotisserie chicken in moderation and being aware of its nutritional facts can help you maintain a healthy and balanced diet. It is important to remember that a varied and balanced diet is crucial for overall health and wellbeing.


Is Costco rotisserie chicken gluten-free?

Yes, Costco rotisserie chicken is gluten-free.

Can I freeze Costco rotisserie chicken?

Yes, you can freeze the chicken for up to 4 months.

How many servings are in a Costco rotisserie chicken?

A Costco rotisserie chicken typically contains 10 servings.

Can I reheat Costco rotisserie chicken?

Yes, you can reheat the chicken in the oven or microwave.

Is Costco rotisserie chicken organic?

No, Costco rotisserie chicken is not organic.

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