RYSE Pre-Workout Evaluation, 2024 Edition: is it Worth it?

Harness Your Workout Potential: A Comprehensive Review of RYSE Pre-Workout

RYSE Pre-Workout

RYSE pre-workout presents itself as a viable option for enhancing exercise performance at the gym, though there's room for improvement. Its notable stimulative properties contribute to increased energy and focus, yet it falls short in other essential elements and components.

While it's difficult to deny the noticeable enhancement in gym performance with RYSE pre-workout, claiming it to be the ultimate solution would be an overstatement. Evaluating RYSE shake's impact on personal gym experiences reveals a mixed verdict.

With that said, it's imperative to delve into the intricacies of RYSE Blackout pre-workout, analyzing its offerings and effects thoroughly.

Our Evaluations Explanated:


To comprehensively assess a pre-workout, it's essential to scrutinize three key aspects: ingredients, efficacy, and pricing.

The ingredient composition appears overly simplistic, lacking complexity. Moreover, the approach to nitric oxide production, crucial for muscle pumps, leaves something to be desired.

However, as previously mentioned, its effectiveness is undeniable. Users report heightened strength and concentration, suggesting a consistent positive experience.

Regarding pricing, RYSE pre-workout falls within the average range. Comparative analysis across a multitude of products reveals it to be positioned squarely at the median price point per serving.

Will We Perform Better?


Having tried numerous high-stim pre-workout powders, we can't envisage any scenario where you wouldn't notice an improvement, even if you possess a high caffeine tolerance.

Our experience over the past three weeks with this product has been remarkable. We find ourselves highly motivated to exercise, regardless of the time of day or our initial level of enthusiasm or fatigue before consuming RYSE pre-workout.

We've noticed both an increase in strength and the determination to push through those final reps, even when our muscles were fatigued to the point of trembling.

Now, let's be clear. RYSE pre-workout won't magically eradicate laziness or lack of motivation. However, if you're anything like us, and there are days when a little extra push is all you need, then this might just be the solution. At least, it was for us.

But perhaps the most significant, and we genuinely mean the most significant, benefit of RYSE Blackout pre-workout was the heightened focus it provided. There were instances when we returned home drained from the gym, yet after a shower, we could sit down at our laptop and work with unwavering concentration for hours on end without any issues.

However, this heightened focus did come with a downside, which we'll address shortly.

On the flip side, one observation we made was that despite putting in an exceptional workout, the pump we experienced was rather average. We genuinely couldn't discern any notable difference between using RYSE pre-workout and exercising without it.

Fortunately, we aren't overly fixated on achieving a pumped-up appearance, so this aspect didn't bother us too much. Nonetheless, we recognize that for many individuals who thrive on that pumped-up look, RYSE might not be the ideal choice.

How Will We Feel After Exercising?

After Exercising

While we did mention feeling exceptionally focused for hours after consuming RYSE Blackout pre-workout, we also noted that it came with a downside – the inevitable crash.

Fortunately, this crash typically occurred late at night, and thankfully, we didn't encounter any difficulties with sleep. However, it would be disingenuous to deny that feeling extremely tired and sleepy while trying to enjoy a show with your loved one before bed isn't frustrating.

Nevertheless, we were aware that this outcome was likely, considering the rapid ingestion of 400mg of caffeine in a short span of time. Therefore, we can't fault RYSE for this aspect.

This experience isn't unfamiliar to us; we've encountered similar crashes numerous times before, especially when exceeding 300mg of caffeine in one go, such as when double-scooping RYSE Godzilla pre-workout.

So, it's essential to bear this in mind, as your caffeine tolerance may be even lower.

What Potential Negative Effects Exist?

Negative Effects

Aside from experiencing a crash, there are several potential side effects associated with RYSE pre-workout:
  • Caffeine jitters
  • Anxiety
  • Itchy and tingling skin
  • Stomach discomfort
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Increased heart rate and blood pressure

From our personal experience, we encountered jitters and itchiness, which are common occurrences for many users.

The caffeine dosage provided by RYSE Blackout pre-workout is at the maximum recommended daily level. Depending on individual tolerance levels, it's likely that some form of jitters or even anxiety may be experienced.

While we didn't face any stomach issues, it's worth noting that such problems can arise with these dosages. However, maintaining a clean diet like ours can mitigate such concerns to some extent.

Itchiness, on the other hand, was inevitable for us due to our sensitivity to beta-alanine. With 3.2 grams present in RYSE pre-workout, it's probable that many others may also experience this sensation.

As mentioned previously, we didn't encounter any difficulties falling or staying asleep. However, we typically consumed our RYSE pre-workout dose around 3 or 4 p.m., several hours before bedtime. Taking it closer to bedtime could potentially lead to sleep disturbances.

Available Flavors And Their Taste

Flavors And Taste

RYSE Project Blackout pre-workout offers four distinct flavors:

  • SunnyD (citrus)
  • Tiger’s Blood (coconut & strawberry)
  • Baja Burst (lime)
  • Mango Extreme (mango)

Having tried all four flavors of RYSE pre-workout, we can attest that each one mixes exceptionally well and doesn't clump.

Is the Price Fair?


RYSE pre-workout aligns perfectly with the average cost per serving of pre-workout supplements, priced at around $1.50 (with slight variations depending on the flavor). This establishes a reasonable benchmark for cost-effectiveness. So, from this perspective, we think it is offerring a fair market price for a pre-workout product.

However, it's essential to consider what comprises this $1.50 serving dose. Ingredient costs have been steadily increasing, reflected in product pricing across the industry. Despite this, we still perceive RYSE pre-workout as slightly overpriced.

Citrulline, for instance, is one of the more costly ingredients in today's market, yet it's absent from this formulation. This absence raises questions about the pricing justification, and we believe it could be more appropriately priced closer to $1.10 to $1.20 per serving.

Nevertheless, this pricing trend reflects the current state of the market, and unfortunately, there's little we can do about it. Personally, we would opt for a slightly more expensive option if it meant a better-formulated product.

Who Would Benefit Most From It?


RYSE supplements' Blackout pre-workout is optimal for weightlifters seeking a potent caffeine boost and individuals participating in intense workout regimens akin to CrossFit sessions. Despite claims that it may be more suitable for advanced users, we disagree. Aside from caffeine, RYSE lacks significant ingredients desired by elite lifters. However, for those already supplementing with beta-alanine separately, this pre-workout could be advantageous, providing a portion or even the entirety of their daily beta-alanine requirement and potentially saving them money in the process.

For whom is it unsuitable?


In contrast, RYSE pre-workout may not be suitable for novice gym attendees or individuals highly sensitive to stimulants. It's crucial to emphasize that pregnant women and individuals with cardiovascular conditions should refrain from experimenting with high-stim pre-workouts like this one without consulting their healthcare professionals beforehand. Furthermore, RYSE pre-workout may not be ideal for individuals solely focused on achieving muscle pumps. While NO3-T® has its benefits, it falls short compared to L-citrulline (malate) in terms of enhancing blood flow, pumps, nutrient delivery, and vasodilation.



In our assessment, RYSE pre-workout stands as a decent and effective option, albeit with some short comings.

Undoubtedly, it excels in providing a significant energy boost, sustaining it for extended periods, and enhancing focus, memory, and analytical capabilities.

However, we also experienced side effects such as jitteriness, tingling sensations, and crashes with RYSE. Additionally, the pump experienced was not notably different from workouts without supplementation.

Therefore, if you find yourself primarily in need of an energy and focus boost, RYSE pre-workout may be a suitable choice for you.

Frequently Asked Questions:


Does RYSE pre-workout have creatine in it?

RYSE pre-workout is generally considered safe for healthy adults who monitor their daily caffeine intake. However, it's important to note that RYSE pre-workout can cause side effects associated with high doses of caffeine.

Does RYSE pre-workout contain creatine?

No, RYSE pre-workout does not contain creatine. The primary focus of RYSE pre-workout is on the stimulating effects of caffeine rather than including ergogenic substances like creatine.

How many scoops of RYSE pre-workout should I take?

It is recommended to take either half or one single scoop of RYSE pre-workout approximately 30 minutes before your workout session. Doubling the scoop of RYSE pre-workout is not advised and could potentially lead to severe health issues.

Disclaimer: This information is for general educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Please consult with a healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment of any medical condition.

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